Wednesday 7pm to 9pm EST (Bible Study “Deep into his Word”)
Friday 7pm to 9pm EST (Prayer of Intercession and Warfare)
Sunday 10am to 12pm EST (Praise and Worship Service / Whitby) @ 9465 Baldwin St N, Whitby, ON L0B1A0 ; 2pm to 4pm EST (Praise and Worship Service / Mississauga) @ 5400 Dixie Road, Mississauga, ON L4W 4T4
Crossnight prayer every first Friday of each Month 10.00pm EST Prayerline: Everyday (6.00am – 7.30am EST)
– Zoom Line, by calling the Zoom local number of your country and area, or by downloading Zoom conference App ; Meeting ID: 905 931 2609; passcode: 1234. Kindly write your name under the Meeting ID.